Technical Support
Here you can find an overview of all relevant technical data related to our cables. Please contact us for more information and questions you may require. We would be happy to assist you! Contact us

PVC Insulation and Sheath Material

Use of PVC materials in cables.

Insulation and Sheath Material Properties

What insulation and sheath materials can be distinguished and what are their characteristics?

Mechanical Resistance in Cables

How to increase the mechanical resistance of cables?

Current Carrying Capacities in Cables

Table of current carrying capacities in the cable

PUR Insulation and Sheath Material

Use of PUR materials in cables.

HFFR Insulation and Sheath Material

The use of halogen-free and flame-proof materials in cables.

Cable Types and Color Codings

Cable Types and Color Codings

AWG (American Wiring Gauge) Conversion Chart

Conversions from awg units to metric units.